
I am typically impatient; I enjoy seeing things accomplished and in working order immediately. Consequently, this inclination can often lead to frustration and, on occasion, even result in giving up. During my writing process, I discovered that keeping the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in mind can greatly assist me in persevering.

Essentially, the principle behind MVP thinking is to swiftly and simply develop a solution while considering its potential for scalability in the future. By prioritizing progress over perfection, I can ensure that I complete tasks, even if they are not flawless.

Then, the aim of this post is define and show some examples where the MVP thinking can be useful.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Roughly speaking, a minimum viable product is a minimum product that gets things done. It is like the engine and the wheels that allow you to know that the car is going to get you from point A to point B even if there are no doors, and it is no cute.

Another useful definition is the minimum structure that allows you to test the idea. We only care about functionality and the main ideas.

Simplicity over Perfection

This idea lets us focus on the main parts, prioritizing the important things. Moreover, the idea of perfection puts a barrier. It doesn’t allow you to test your idea and neglect the possibility of feedback to know if even there is or not a path to perfection.

Build on a Good Starting Structure

Make sure that you start a good foundation that allows you to improve in the future. This could be for example modularizing your solution, maximizing the possibility of changing and improvement over the things you already build.


Therefore, keep Simple (minimum things) and meaningful (important things).